Help with South Africans trying to bridge insurance qualifications.


New member
Can you help. I am finding it very difficult to figure out what bridging courses to take for Insurance industry to align my qualifications with Canadian requirements. It is also very expensive and first prize would be to internship with a company where I can do my bridging and would really like to link up with recruiters. Anyone with advice on how to best bridge the gap without putting such a big strain on my pocket would be greatly appreciated.

All the people I call seem to have limited information.

I have been working in the industry for more than 15 years.
@wsb start applying to jobs. Most insurance companies right now pay for new staff to take the course to get licensed. It also depends on what province you're in. In Canada, insurance licenses are restricted to each province. For example, I'm in Ontario and my license is called OTL. I was not licensed when I applied but got the job and my company paid for my training and my exam. Best of luck!
@wsb How long have you been in Ontario? I am in the same boat dude and it’s so difficult to get a hold of someone at the insurance institute of Canada. I did however come across something along the lines of international recognition and low and behold of the 5 countries that are listed/approved - South Africa is one of them. It gives me hope - now just to get a hold of someone that can perhaps explain and hopefully confirm that it is what I think it is.

I am assuming that you worked in the P&C division?
@wsb Where abouts in Ontario are you? I know the company I work for is desperately hiring right now. Private Message me if you don't want to publicly say where you are. :) I have quite a few contacts in different areas in my company and would be happy to help how I can.
@wsb Have you looked into the Insurance Institute of Canada and their CIP courses relevant to commercial insurance? C70 (Gateway to Commercial Insurance) immediately comes to mind, as I'll be taking that next after completing C131 (Advanced Skills for the Insurance Broker and Agent), and having already completed C130 (Essential Skills for the Insurance Broker and Agent.) I think that could be a decent start there: C130 > C131 > C70.

Why not apply with insurers as, once hired, some will cover the costs of said courses? You might have to start with a more entry-level position than you were used to but at least you're getting paid and your education could be covered, rather than paying out of pocket if you're unsure which courses are even necessary for your eventual role?

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