
New member
Disclaimer: Throwaway account, don’t wanna out my other userid. For anonymity purposes the company names are skewed or omitted, but you might guess from there.

Hi /r/MalaysianPF

I currently have two job offers, one from a Singaporean FMCG/Logistics (satellite office in Klang Valley) startup (Company M) as a Business Development Lead / Head of Sales and another from a Fintech (think motor insurance) startup company (Company B) as a BDM reporting directly to the CEO.

First company offers RM 11.1k/mth and the other RM 15k/mth. Just FYI, I have already signed the offer letter for the first company and will start early next month. The other company will start in late April, and due date for me to sign the offer letter is this Thursday.

There are a few things to consider:

A) I’m mid-40s, dunno if this is relevant, but sure just in case.

B) Company M, started building their base here in Klang Valley around 19 months ago but with a total of 5 years altogether if include Singapore. And it’s a whole different industry for me, good opportunity to learn new things. And maybe easier to jump to other companies with better standing due to my title.

C) Company B, offered me the Letter of Acceptance, a week after my first interview with the Executive Director/CEO.

  • 1st and last interview over Google Meets, 18th March lasted 20 mins. (Thought I blew my chances).
  • Received email from HR asking for relevant documents on the Wednesday.
  • Was told that there would be a “vibe check” test. Never happened.
  • 25th March received the LoA.
D) Company B, Glassdoor reviews are kinda scary. And an ex-colleague of mine, mentioned that his friend was let go after a week and told not to report to labour office on the dismissal. But, I’m not sure on the severity of the situation.

My issue here is, do I go for the title (for resume purposes) or the money? With my side hustle, I’ll be earning around 17k/mth and 21k/mth respectively before EPF and SOCSO deduction.

Thanks in advance, any input is much appreciated.

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