Help with car insurance for kid moved away to college w/o a car


New member
My daughter moved into an apartment and changed her address several months ago. She has no car and walks everywhere. She will only be home 2-4 weeks a year. She lives over 200 miles away in the same state (PA). She does not want to pay for car insurance anymore since she could only drive a few times a year. Are there any problems that could arise from lapse in insurance? Is there any way she could drive one of my vehicles on a rare occasion if I took her off my policy?
@yeshuaislord Most family auto policies will permit occasional use from anyone that has your permission. Call your insurer/agent, explain your situation, and ask what can be done. Many insurers can offer a reduced rate given her circumstances.
@yeshuaislord For non-standard insureds, you may wish to consider a non-owners policy. Be aware these often have several exclusions, but are generally much cheaper than purchasing a "normal" policy. Ask your agent / carrier for verification on coverage you already have in regards to a returning household resident, covered person, etc. Don't be afraid to ask your insurance, and be sure to have a copy of your PAP (personal auto policy) and check for yourself on the coverages it affords and if any exclusions that may effect your daughter and you.

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