Help! Vehicle registered out of state/ car accident with Oregon insurance

Can anyone advise— I drove my car to Oregon from Florida 4 years ago. It's registered in my name and I switched my Florida Allstate insurance to Oregon Allstate but my tag is currently expired and I have a ticket from that (got it when it was parked)
Someone hit the front of my car today and there is damange but it still runs. To file a claim with Allstate I need to file an accident report with the DMV but will there be an issue/will I get a fine for having expired tag/ title not registered in Oregon??
I'm also planning to leave the country in one month so l was just going to put the car in storage and deal with this later but now I have to get it fixed etc.
I have 3 days to submit the accident report but the next available dmv appointment is in 2 days. Should I just get the new title ($389) or should I go ahead and submit the report/claim and see what happens- would I be penalized for the expired tag?
Helpppp pls
@abstractsbybrian This is definitely an Oregon specific vehicle code question. Any consequences you’re thinking will come from the state, not your insurance company. (You did the right thing switching your insurance to where the car actually is.)
@bioleap I had a customer hit by a driver insured by Dairyland denied coverage for a claim because the insured could not provide a current registration to prove they were the owner. Expired registration is worthless to establish ownership. The title could have been transferred to another in that time.

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