Help! UMBI claim


New member
So im about to move forward with an insurance claim through Progressive. I was in a head on collision(wasn’t my fault) and the person who plowed into me didn’t have insurance(go figure) However, i have Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UMBI) through progressive. My limit is $50,000. I went to the emergency room and had x rays done and then hired a lawyer and they sent me to get an MRI and i went to the chiropractor for 9weeks and had a tear on my c4 and c5 (i think)of my cervical spine. Im wondering if anyone has been through this and what their payout was? I also went to 10 sessions of counseling because i was so scared to drive after that.
im so lucky to be alive and to have walked away from the accident. but i also only had liability so no one is paying for my totaled car….. so if anyone has advice of suing the driver in civil court id greatly appreciate it:)
@lu7177 Venue plays a huge role in this. What city/state? How old are you? Did you have any preexisting neck issues? How much are your bills?

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