@yhwhismysalvation Definitely sell...9000 a month that's a crazy amount to pay every month. Try pay off your credit card/debts as quickly as possible and DONT take out any more credit - you are wasting money on interest every month, it's just not necessary.
@yhwhismysalvation You have a serious credit problem. Ditch the 9k car, cut down on the phone and aggressively pay off your credit card. Spend 6 months focusing on reducing your credit commitments and debt and you’ll be in a much much better place
@yhwhismysalvation Can you tell us why you own 2 cars? What was/is the reasoning behind this?
Even though you want to be sensible with your money, you also need to be happy with what you end up having.

If you bought it coz you don't really like the Suzuki, then tell us. To us outsiders it's easy to say sell the expensive car, but we have no idea why you bought it in the first place.
@yhwhismysalvation Okay, I'm sorry if I'm being slow here, but you'll have to clarify again. Was the lifestyle decision specifically to have a 2nd car? Or was it to have a better car than the Suzuki? You made your decision for a reason, think of that reason, and how can you still meet your needs and leave with better financial health. Did you want a bigger weekend car? If so, consider using some savings to buy an older used car cash. Did you want a "fancier" car? If so, sell the Suzuki and keep the Toyota. If you struggle to find valid reasons for yourself, then yeah ultimately sell the Toyota.
@yhwhismysalvation Sell the Toyota

I did the same silly thing years ago and bought a VW scirocco earning less than you now(not accounting for inflation)

I made the choice and downgraded my car. Best decision ever.

Frees up income. Bought my first property and most importantly lived stress free as my income easily covered my debt.

Studied further and substantially increased my salary. The truth is at any income level buying a nice car is a pointless expense.
@yhwhismysalvation sell the toyota - it’s gonna free up so much room. one thing my gran always taught me is to never just work for creditors - and i’ve always kept that in mind when i think of taking out something.
that R9000 you’re paying on the toyota can go towards your credit card and can open up an annuity or emergency fund.
@yhwhismysalvation If you want a good balance between comfort and budget you can sell both cars and get yourself a slightly nicer Suzuki.

But DEFINITLY sell the Toyota.

9k a month on your salary is a stretch, and as a 2nd car it is a no brainer. Sell it.

I also understand the urge for something more comfortable that your entry level Suzuki, but your first step should be to sell the Toyota, and recover financially for a couple of months.

Only then it will be reasonable to start looking at replacing your current car with something a little more comfortable, but don't fall in to the same trap again.
@yhwhismysalvation Sell the 9k car. Use that freed up money to pay off all your debts. Your stress levels will, therefore, be much kinder on your heart health. As a mature woman drowning in debt and stress, trust me on this.

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