Help please


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I have a question that I need some assistance with about a auto claim. So back in June of this year I was in a auto accident in my company truck where a lady hit us from the back and did a significant amount of damage to me and the car. I had to go to the hospital because my job wanted me and my co worker to get checked out. Long story short me and my co worker who happens to be the son of the ceo of the company hired a personal injury attorney and we kind of went about it without letting our job know right away. Well within the week they found out due to the insurance saying that there was a injury claim and it was going to take a while for the truck to get fixed. Needless to say my buddies parents were super pissed because we didn’t tell them we hired a lawyer and thought we were trying to come after them for some reason we assured them that we weren’t and we wanted to just go after the lady that hit us. Our lawyer on the other hand wanted to file a claim on my works insurance too so we could get the max amount of compensations that we deserved.. but we both agreed that we wouldn’t and just go after the lady that hit us… we’ll fast forward to last month the insurance that we have at work said at the end of the year they are dropping us because my co worker had got into two more accidents after the said accident above. So now the circumstances have changed a lil and I wanted to know that if I wait until they get dropped from the insurance and put a claim in which I’m apparently allowed to do by law because my work insurance called me personally and said if I decide to make a claim I have up to four years will my job be sued or have to pay anything since technically I will be filing the claim after they are dropped? My lawyer says nothing will happen but I don’t want to get in trouble and I don’t want my job to get sued by our old insurance company because of claim that I put in after we are dropped… please any info will help thanks sorry for the novel..
@breebee Where are you? In the US, you are governed by your state's workers comp laws. Your accident is regulated by your state's worker's compensation regulations.
@adrian99 I’m in Texas but I didn’t file for workers comp I told my employer we were not filing workers comp they still sent us to a workers comp doctor after the fact that we already went to our own therapy doctor since we already hired a lawyer. When we went to the workers comp doc we told her we already were receiving treatment and didn’t want to file workers comp and she was like “well then why are you guys even here”? And that’s when we told her idk it’s cause our employer made us and she was like well if y’all already have lawyers and are undergoing your own therapy I’m just going to discharge you from us. And that was the end of the workers comp.. I never wanted to file for workers comp just wanted to file a claim so I didn’t have to pay for therapy and my doctors bill and get a lil compensation for my injury..
@breebee OK, it appears you elected to opt out of WC. The good news is that you have retained a lawyer to assist you. If it is on a contingency fee (most likely), he or she should be able to answer your questions and provide recommendations. Your lawyer needs to get on the ball and help you out here. Good luck OP.

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