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I got into three major car accidents over the summer the first one i unfortunately signed documents and settled when I shouldn’t have and the whole process of it was so weird to me. I have documentation that my spine moved and I still need chiropractic therapy and massage therapy. that’s the first one the second one I had a car it was totaled didn’t get compensated at all whatsoever the third car accident they took my brand new vehicle that has less than 500 miles on it and almost called it a total loss as well as the previous one, which was also a brand new vehicle off the lot, luckily I fought it and was able to just get my insurance to cover the repairs since the repairs were less than the worth of the vehicle and it has been in the car shop for 8 months now my insurance company has made no attempt to contact me about it to move my vehicle to another place to get it fixed sooner and I still have to pay insurance and a car note on top of that. I lost my job. I was mentally unstable due to the car accident trauma. My insurance didn’t even give me a rental vehicle I had to pay out-of-pocket and still has yet to give me my vehicle back. Would this be considered bad faith in a car insurance company? Can I go to an attorney and try to sue my insurance company for all my losses for not trying to get my vehicle fixed sooner is there anything I can do to get back what I lost. I was also emotionally distressed. I have medical conditions, but they did not provide me a rental vehicle until my vehicle was fixed. is there anything I can do? Can I get an attorney to sue my car insurance company and the car part place that was supposed to provide the parts to my vehicle? PLEASE HELP. I’M CLOSE TO LOSING EVERYTHING I HAVE ALL BECAUSE I LOST MY JOB AND BECAUSE I DIDN’T RECEIVE MY CAR WHEN I WAS SUPPOSED TO RECEIVE IT. NOT TO MENTION THE ESTIMATED REPAIR WAS ONLY TWO MONTHS AND THEN THEY EXTENDED IT TWO MORE MONTHS AND THEN THEY EXTENDED IT TWO MORE AND ANOTHER EXTENSION WAS PUT BUT NEVER PUT A ESTIMATED REPAIR TIME. Now I don’t have a vehicle or a job because of these accidents and injuries i endured. I know there has to be something i can do, there’s always a solution right?
@hulahooper Recommend you cross post at r/insurance as there is a lot more activity there.

As to your claims, the 1st claim is probably completely over. Once you sign a Release, unless fraud is involved, that claim is done.

Regarding the other 2 claims, start writing, (not calling) the 2 adverse insurance carriers for a status. Your State will have statutory requirements that the insurance companies must respond to you within a certain time frame. If no response, you need to start copying in your state's Insurance Department. Most states have standard forms where you can ask for assistance. Go online and look them up.

Only after you have done those things should you consider an attorney. Remember that no one works for free, and lawyers are no exception. They will take a cut of your eventual settlement. Also, losing your wages as a result of the claim is a measure of damages and you are entitled to make a claim for that lost compensation.

Good luck OP, and get started doing some online research!
@destroyed It depends on the state and the type of claim. For example, in Illinois, it is governed by Section 919.5 of the Illinois Administrative Code. The shorthand cite is "Improper Claim Practices". Every state that I'm aware of has a similar statute/adminstrative rule.

I recommend googling 'improper claim practices (your state here)' as a good place to start.
@hulahooper The insurance company doesn’t choose the shop, you did. Their job is to simply pay you for reasonable repair. If you didn’t buy rental coverage that’s also your choice (although it’s typically limited to 30 days) They wanted to total the car which honestly sounds the right call in this situation given what sounds like parts availability. What does the shop say when you call them? I would be in constant contact. You do have the right to have it moved to another shop if you don’t like this one, but if it’s a part delay it might not help, and you may incur charges not covered by insurance. You need more info.
@puzzles the insurance actually did pick the car shop. i call the car shop and get the same bs that their waiting on supposedly parts but this is ridiculous. they took my car july 6th and was supposed to be fixed and back to me by august 29 it said. it’s april now… they just keep saying they don’t have an eta yet they’re waiting. i contacted my insurance but i never get a reply back or call. left several calls emails messages and nothing.
i call the car shop and get the same bs that their waiting on supposedly parts but this is ridiculous.

It takes months for car repairs nowadays. There was (maybe still is) a strike in the automotive world slowing it all down
by the way none of these accidents were my fault. first one was someone else’s fault as well as the second one.
@hulahooper Impossible to give you any answers without knowing the details of each claim, and the coverage you had in place at the time of each accident. If you accepted a full settlement on your first accident, that one is probably done and over with. The release you signed would typically say that you are accepting the money as being "paid in full", and that you are waiving your right to sue insurance or any other drivers afterwards. With the other claims.....nobody can begin to say with the information you've provided.

With the second accident, you've indicated you haven't been compensated at all. What happened? Were you in an at-fault accident? Car was declared a total loss? When you call your insurance company, what do they say? Why haven't they paid out? When did the accident happen?

Similar with the third accident. What happened? Were you at-fault? Did you have rental car coverage as a part of your policy? Why isn't the car being repaired in a timely manner? Is it because the body shop is waiting on a part? Are they just backed up with work? Or are they waiting on insurance to approve the payment? Is it a body shop of your choosing, or one that your insurance forced you to? You talk about the repair being extended....who is extending it? Insurance is extending? Or the repair shop? If the body shop is waiting on parts.....that has nothing to do with your insurance company. That's on the body shop. When was the last time you talked to either of them?

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