Help on Liability Insurance, damages exceed the policy


New member
Hi I am from Massachusetts and I got into a DUI accident 4 years ago. I had crashed into someone’s car at the time. It was my first time and I got my license back and am able to drive again. I recently got a mail from my insurance telling me that the damages exceed the policy I had. I had the 100/300 policy. Does it really exceed the amount if my insurance company sent me a letter ? What are the chances that this will be settled by accepting the insurance amount ? Or will they come after me for the full amount? If they do come after me what are my options here ? Also does insurance pay the max amount and I cover the remaining ? Ex. Total pay is 350 k and insurance pays 300 k and I pay the remaining 50 k. Let me know if I am missing any information or if you need to know more.
I recently got a mail from my insurance telling me that the damages exceed the policy I had. I had the 100/300 policy. Does it really exceed the amount if my insurance company sent me a letter ?

Your insurance isn't going to lie to you telling you that damages have exceeded your policy limits of they haven't.

The 100/300 means your policy pays for injuries up to 100k PER PERSON and up to 300k per accident. So if only one person was injured and had 350k in medical bills, your insurance would only pay 100k and you'd be responsible for the rest. If 2 people were injured your insurance would only pay a max of 100k each and you'd be responsible for the rest

That said, your insurance will make every effort to settle within policy limits, and most claims do.
@raphacam Hi , thanks for answering my questions. I am sorry for asking another, but do you know how many years it takes for something like this to go through? Should I get a lawyer just in case ?

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