Help Needed: Stock Certificates, Private Placement, and Share Consolidation


New member
Hi everyone,

Back in 2010/11, I purchased 13,000/3,250 shares in a small company that WAS NOT public at the time. I held onto these two certificates until they got misplaced during a move. However, they are not lost, just packed away in a box somewhere.

In 2017, the company underwent a merger and went public with the new company. The announcement was confusing, and since I didn't physically have the certificates (and was aware of an upcoming share consolidation), I didn't look into it much at the time. In hindsight, the confusion around the process was a sign that perhaps investing in the company wasn't the best idea.

Fast forward to today, I found those original certificates, totaling 13,000/3,250 shares. Given the share consolidation that occurred before the company went public, I understand that I wouldn't have the same number of shares in the new venture.

My question is, how do I properly explain all this to Scotia, where I want to deposit these shares? I want to avoid any confusion or complications. Additionally, since this was a private placement back in 2010/11 and I received a tax benefit at that time, I assume I can't deposit these shares into my TFSA or RRSP trading accounts.

I realize there might not be a lot of information to go on, and providing too much detail in this public forum might reveal the companies involved. I simply want to ensure I provide Scotia with all the necessary details for a proper share deposit.

Thank you for any feedback or advice you can provide.
@tatumsid Reach out to the new company's investor relations, they should be able to assist.

I assume I can't deposit these shares into my TFSA or RRSP trading accounts.

Once you get the shares, there should be nothing stopping you from moving them into a registered account. Note that moving a share into a registered account is a taxable event (it's functionally the same as selling the share, depositing the money and then re-buying the share at the same price).
@laritybug The shares haven't been deposited anywhere yet. Noticed that I said it was public when I got them (changed now) but they were a private company, resource based so got a tax benefit for buying them.

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