HELP: Mom has medicare, out of pocket charges for ambulance?


New member
My mom suffered a stroke last year. Last night she exhibited stroke-like symptoms (slurred speech, short-term memory loss/confusion and hallucinations -- seeing water pour down the walls). My dad called 9-1-1 and specifically requested she be sent to a nearby hospital where all of her doctors are affiliated and where her medical records are on file. I know there's no guarantee of such a thing and despite telling him that's where they were headed, the paramedics ended up taking her to another hospital that's is, technically, closer to home (by about 1.5 miles).

They spent all night in the first ER and the ER doctor has told them that they cannot find the cause of the symptoms. Because this is the second or third time this has happened in the past few months (stroke-like symptoms that eventually pass, but no cause identified after an ER visit), the ER doctor recommended that she be transferred to their regular hospital where all her medical records and affiliated doctors are. The original hospital has approved the transfer and said they'll admit her, but, my dad's been told that they might be on the hook for the full cost of the ambulance transfer. And, because she's being admitted, he can't drive her over there himself. Of course, no one will offer a cost or estimate in advance, either.

I called the Medicare help line and they could only provide me with the same generic information from their website. That Medicare usually covers the cost of a hospital-to-hospital transfer if deemed medically necessary. Is there anything you'd recommend we do before initiating this transfer to help mitigate a massive ambulance bill? Request that her primary care physician formally request that the current ER transfer her to her regular hospital?

FWIW, she has Medicare A and B coverage and also supplemental F coverage from AARP/United. Help!?

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