Help, do I need to file for taxes (BE form) if i earned less than 25 k last year??


New member
So basically my 2023 is 10 months involved in a protege program (less than 2k a month and no epf) then the last 2 months, i became a full
time employee at another company ( b4 deductions 3.5k and i get the standard epf contribution).

So in total, the year 2023 i have earned is RM 25,460……. So do i still file for taxes for 2023?
@khankorp Its a good idea to start filing ever since you reach adulthood. Its a record and really saves the hassle in the future if there's issues with LHDN.

Takes like 5 to 10 mins to do every year.
@dongchau123 Got it. I was confused earlier as most of my friends/colleagues were like only do it when you reach the bracket….but now seeing thats is the norm, will definitely file it.
@khankorp Just file it. So you will know what to fill in and what got tax exemption this year. Your gross pay is 3.5k which means you will probably be taxed this year and you will know what receipt to keep for tax refund.

Btw, filing tax is not as hard as the twitter peeps makes out to be. It only took you less than 10 minutes to do it.
@seanmcc Yeah i was actually filling up the form cause i was not sure if im supposed to. But will complete the form.
Is there a section in the form to attach the receipts?

Just to clarify, 3.5 k before deduction still get taxed? Cause the websites I looked at seems to indicate mine doesn’t fall under the tax category if i deduct the epf.
@khankorp There are tax on you but its very little. I think your tax would not even be RM20. I have tried calculating the points where you start to pay tax. I think its around RM3460 gross monthly pay where you have to start to pay taxes for normal EPF contributions.
@khankorp Regarding receipts, we can’t upload them now, but it’s a good idea to take a photo of your paper receipts and save the image files (or take photo as a document using the notes app on iPhone to save as PDF and it can also convert text to digital text) keep them filed somewhere on your PC as LHDN can request for verification up to 7 years back. For digital receipts like wifi payments, save all as PDFs and tuck away in a folder according to year of assessment.
@khankorp Just file it. I've heard enough stories about Malaysians having not earned a single sen in Malaysia being fined upwards of RM6k for failing to file a tax return. Even RM 0 also need to file.
@khankorp You’re under the threshold of getting taxed, but you should definitely get into the habit of filing your taxes.

Be sure to fill in the necessary sections for tax relief if you have any.
@khankorp You need to file. If you don't and wait until you need to pay taxes then only you file, you might be in for a penalty (fine), even if you didn't need to pay taxes. When I was on my way to register for the first time I saw some ppl getting fined when registering because they didn't file for 3 years..
@fredbelieves I see. I thought you file once you reach that tax bracket. Will definitely file.
Question…. So in 2022 I officially started getting a real pay check for the last 3 months of 2022. Would i need to file them as well?

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