Healthy 17 year old that’d like health insurance


New member
I just started my first year of college, just started driving, and I may be looking to begin an rotc program. I figure health insurance for someone my age wouldn’t be too expensive but I honestly know nothing about it. Any recommendations on what would be the best way to go about this? Or even a health insurance you know would be perfect for a guy in a situation like me.
@dgw1982 Depending on your state, your parent might need to take out the policy on your behalf for at least 1 more year., the federal marketplace, is closed and I believe only CoveredCA (California) is open. To make insurance profitable, both Medicaid and ACA/Marketplace plans have limited timeframes to sign up.

The only age exception would be the insurance plan from the school, as it is likely "non-commercial." Instead, it will have a form that basically says if you purchase this you agree to pay for it even if your tuition/financial aid dry up.

As you can be claimed as a tax dependent with full-time college enrollment through age 24, and on insurance through age 26, insurance through parent's is the most common option. If that doesn't work, and they don't claim you as a dependent, you might be eligible for Medicaid year-round. That assumes your income is low enough and you don't live in the south.

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