Health scare - What insurance should we put in place?


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TLDR - Can you sign up for short term disability and /or critical illness insurance after you’ve already gotten a diagnosis or are you basically uninsurable once you find out about your medical problems?

My husband (30) has recently been having some health issues in the bowel movement category. He has essentially been having bright red blood in his stool since March, and he finally went to the doctor for a check up and brought it up. He doctor replied something along the lines of “why the f*** haven’t you reached out until now?” after he saw the pictures my husband has been saving of his stool (gross, I know). The two things his doctor is most worried about right now are Crohn’s and colon cancer. He needs to schedule a colonoscopy asap so we can get some answers, but I’m wondering if we need to “get our affairs” in order beforehand in case we get some scary news. My husband owns his own company, and in the line of business he is in, the company doesn’t make money without him. In addition, I am currently not working to stay home with our 3 young children (all under age 3) because childcare costs would have taken my whole paycheck each month. I know I’m thinking worst case scenario, but I want to be prepared in case we get cancer news and he needs to be out of work for a little while. We have okay health insurance, and he has a life insurance policy, but is there anything else we should try and sign up for just in case? Is it too late now that he’s reported symptoms to his doctor even though we don’t have any official answers yet? We need all the guidance we can get, because the insurance world is not our specialty! TIA.
@alaric In most cases no it won’t cover pre existing conditions

If the policy is through your employer, it may cover pre existing conditions or it may not
@alaric You can certainly sign up for STD and critical illness, but the odds of them covering this (if it IS a serious illness) any time in the next year, if at all, are slim to none. Hopefully he just has bad hemorrhoids and he will be fine.

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