
New member
So, with my husbands job insurance for me and our two children would be an absolutely RIDICULOUS cost. We've had Christian Health Ministries for about a year and a half and they've been really good to us! I just worry about something or another happening(as I'm sure all parent's do). CHM would cover the cost...however, I just worry. My husband also has Aflac on us through his job! I'm not sure what policy with Aflac.

I talked to someone with United Health, Freedom life and he told me all about it. However, I had someone I know in the health field checked into it for me and they said that cash pay makes more sense for us because we're technically saving money when it comes to it and to not do United Health. She also said the deductible would have to be met before the 30/70 for office visits would kick in and our doctors weren't in network(which is odd ). I told this guy we weren't interested and that was that.

WELL, I posted in a group I'm in about private healthcare and I was recommended to someone. I talked to her and she was super kind! Turns out it's the same plan. Anyway, she's going to check into it for me and everything. I told her the doctors weren't in network and she said she'll check into it for me and see if there's anything else out there that'd work better for our family.

Only pre-existing's are asthma and eczema( both mild).

My question is, should I pursue the United Health? I've read such bad reviews online and them denying claims, it makes me nervous. I also know they're one of the largest PPO's out there. She could also find something different for me I would suppose.

Thank you if you have any advice at all!!!

(Sorry this was so lengthy)
@gims No one here is going to advise you to go with med sharing or anything except ACA-compliant insurance.

If you want an unregulated product like what you're describing, you're going to have to deal with the possibility of not being covered and having zero recourse.
@gims That's not real insurance, its a scam. Fork it out like everyone else for a decent legitimate policy, none of that is real and always bites people in the ass. The ACA is around for a reason.
@gims I look forward to the day health sharing ministries are banned or heavily regulated. They’re incredibly misleading.

Like others have shared here: ACA marketplace plans are likely the answer here. Or a qualified health plan through an employer.
@gims You’re just wasting your money on all of this and going without real coverage. You need to stop taking advice from everyone you trust because you are getting horrible horrible advice.

You get insurance from your employer. Or from if that’s unaffordable. Anything else is a scam. Stop falling for them.
@gims You are jumping from one crappy place to another. Neither of them are going to do anything for you. They can and will correlate everything going wrong to your preexisting conditions.

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