Have I been over paid? Or is this correct. Confused

@thelostcoin You might have started mid pay cycle and have been paid for 3 weeks instead of two e.g. 1 week from the last pay cycle and 2 weeks from the current cycle (this week and next week)?
@thelostcoin Was there a sign-on bonus of any kind?

This happened to me and it turns out I automatically got a bonus for signing on and they just never really mentioned it in the recruitment process lol but was a nice surprise
@thelostcoin If you're working as a teacher who works 40 weeks at the school (obviously you might do planning/marking outside of that) you might only get paid for those 40 weeks. If you wanted to spread that salary over the full 52 weeks of the year, you might need to contact your school about annualising your pay.

I'm not sure how common this is, but it is the case at the school I have worked at previously.
@thelostcoin You should definitely say something. Otherwise if/when they realise you'll have to pay it back which will suck. Payroll are human too and mistakes can be made. Reach out to clarify.
@thelostcoin Contract teachers (i.e. not a permanent teacher with the department, but one that is on a year to year contract) will get paid during school terms only, so your salary will be paid out over the 40 weeks of school and not the 12 weeks of holidays. The total is the same, the payments are different per fortnight.

Calm payroll, they will explain it.
@jan2020 Ok thanks. I was told I would also get something over the summer break though? Such as annual leave, leave loading and some of the holidays paid as I would have worked 1 whole term by that point. Does that ring a bell?
@thelostcoin You might want to clarify that with payroll. In South Australia any contract less than 12 months doesn't include pay during the holidays, including the summer break (with the department). Your pay during term time is higher because it includes your equivalent for annual leave and leave loading. If you annualised it you'd wind up with the same amount. It confuses most new teachers here. If that's the case, I'd suggest having a bank account that you can put a portion of your pay into to cover your holidays.
@thelostcoin Call your payroll, I'm not a teacher, my ex wife was and it was over a decade ago she was on the contract system. I honestly don't recall, I am pretty sure we saved and mostly loved off my wage during the Christmas holidays.

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