Have groceries gone up? Backed up with 4 years worth of data

@brideforchrist Here's a sneak peek of /r/DeltaThings using the top posts of all time!

#1: Can we sticky this post, the worst atrocity | 15 comments

#2: Pringle’s chip size reduction | 18 comments

#3: Febreeze circa 2011 vs today | 9 comments

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@tirynn Hot dog packaging stands out to me. Buns are typically sold in groups of 6 or 12. Sure, whatever.

Hot dogs used to be typically sold in groups of .......6 or 12. Convenient, eh?

I haven't been able to regularly find hot dogs that aren't in packs of 5, 8 or 10 for a while. At least a year, maybe two.

It sticks out like a sore thumb because the two complementary items no longer match conveniently.

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