Has anyone ever heard of Global Financial Impact?


New member
I've been reached out to by a couple of their agents and wondering how legit they are. Anybody have any experience with them?
@artanis I sat in a zoom presentation with Eric Carter, and was also reached out to by a team in the company. 2 different presentations, but similar information.
@eleader22 I guess the better question is how did you get into the zoom meeting. I can’t find anything about them on google but who knows. What are they trying to get you to buy?
@eleader22 Ahhhh I see. Don’t know anything about them. Well if you are looking to be a life agent maybe I can help you I know some recruiters. Shoot me a dm if you want.
@eleader22 I have not heard of them. I would look up their financial strength rating A.M. Best has a free membership and others are easily accessible online, search the NAIC & J.D. Power and Associates for complaints( reality is no company has never had one but a large percentage is a red flag), research their claims process and speak to brokers about their experiences. Personally I will only broker to companies I believe are solid and reputable as I wouldn’t want to have a client have a headache or negative experience since it would reflect negative on my advice.
@regrone Good advice. In this case there is longevity in the heart of the company not in the name of the brand. GFI came from a line to agents who wanted what they were promised for themselves and for any agents that come after. Those that know, know and those that don't tell a very different and ugly tale. In a whole they have heart and want they best for their agents and clients.
@eleader22 They are new starting this year. CEO is Eric Olsen. He was with WFG and made millions a year but got into some lawsuits with WFG for some shady shit he did. So to protect himself he lawyered up and he was terminated by WFG.
So he ventured out and created GFI with WFG trade secrets.

Now I personally wouldn’t go. It’s just starting off and they are promising a lot of things without having an institution back them up.
Promising stocks when they have yet to go on the market.

Maybe that’s being bias because I’m with WFG but I wouldn’t go. It’s to new on the market
@charvelguy Can I pm you? I have a close friend trying to get things done at GFI and she's essentially being told little to nothing as a trainee while being ignored by her bosses and being called lazy for it. Is there even a future?
@charvelguy I also was recently contacted and would love if I could DM. I’m kind of paranoid after I got a few scam contacts for other supposed companies…
@charvelguy I was with WFG (SMD) and started with GFI day one. You're response is definitely one of bias. Which is understandable, but it's off the mark quite a bit. Long story short, something occurred where Eric wished to give his wife the business. WFG canceled their heritage program specifically not to let him do that as his team produced a huge chunk of WFG's business. Something happened three years ago with a good friend and mentor of Eric's which highlighted a lack of real ownership with WFG. The lawsuits had no real bearing, hence why GFI is still rapidly growing and gaining even more contracts with providers and partners.

So far everything that has been promised has been coming into play. Just wished to give you that update after a month from this post.
@maddieh567 Are you talking about WFG? GFI opened its doors in January 2024. I’m an independent GFI agent and love it! With all the support and training our team receives my own team is growing much faster than my previous company.
@eleader22 Its a no good MLM like WFG. People are brainwashed into believing they are helping people and "building" a team to help people. Its essentially recruit people to buy permanent insurance to make a commission and get a cut if your "team" sell over priced permanent insurance to other unsuspecting families who shouldnt have it. Stay far away from both GFI and WFG

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