Had a housefire, need some help interpreting things on my homeowners


New member
I had a kitchen fire last week, I was lucky that my animals were able to get out and no harm was done in that way. I'm being told due to the extensive smoke damage that most if not all of my things are beyond repair. Right now I'm so focused on trying to find a place to live, find a boarding facility that will take my animals for months on end and get some clothing to wear so I'm not wearing the same thing every day that I feel I can't grasp the concept of my homeowners policy right now and I could use some help.

Link to a picture of my policy: https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/129/fL0sHo.jpg

First off, I was told by some random family member that in these situations that sometimes the insurance will help pay for a place to stay. Is that true and if so is that usually the full amount or a portion? I'm still paying my mortgage, then paying to board 2 dogs and 2 cats and then I'll need a place to live. If I'm responsible for all that it will eat through my savings quickly and I'll be putting things on credit cards and when that runs out I don't know. I'm making sure to keep the $1k deductible in my account no matter what until I get asked to pay it.

Column A. Residence: Does this mean things like new flooring, paying to have the walls cleaned and repainted? What about kitchen countertops and cabinets? Or the kitchen appliances - or do they go into the personal property column?

Column B. Related Private Structures: Would this be like if my shed caught fire and was damaged as well? It wasn't, but I just don't know what would fall into this category.

Column C. Personal Property: I was given sheets to write down everything I own that was in the house. As I questioned in column A, does this include the large appliances like the fridge and stove?

Column D. Additional Living Expense: I have no idea what this is.

When I was talking to my agent he was explaining to me, on the stove for example that they pay out what it is currently worth, not how much I paid for it new. So, using round numbers, if I bought the stove for $1k and it's been 5 years and it's only worth $500 so they'll only pay me $500. Which means to replace the stove I'll need to find a cheaper model. I understand that, but then that same thing applies to everything else. If that's the case, then I'll be needing to replace everything with cheaper versions.

I haven't slept or eaten much since this happened and I'm just trying to focus on getting my animals into a boarding facility and finding someplace for me to stay. But even that is stressing me out because I can't afford too many months of it all.

In addition, any helpful tips or advice would be appreciated. Trying to figure this all out own my own and I can't express how stressful it is.

@basileasou Sorry to hear about the fire but good thing no one was injured.

Insurance does cover temporary living accommodations - that’s what Coverage D is (Addt’l living expense).
Often times, carriers have partnerships with businesses that help secure accommodations for insureds displaced by a covered loss. However, your mortgage remains your responsibility.

Coverage A - your home/structure, inside & out. Think of it as if you moved out, things you can’t bring with you, so yes, flooring, kitchen, bathroom, etc.

Coverage B - Usually means detached structures. Sheds, free standing garage, gazebos, etc. I’m not sure what carrier this is with that wording of “related private structures” though, so you’d have to double-check.

Coverage C - personal contents aka your stuff. Anything you can physically remove from the home had you moved out, down to your toothbrush. This includes appliances.

Does your policy pay for replacement cost on your contents? If not, you’d only receive the actual cash value (ACV) of the items. If you do have replacement cost coverage, you’d be paid ACV and submit for the difference between replacement cost once you’ve replaced the item and provide proof of such (ie receipts).

Call your adjuster and ask about assistance in securing temporary housing. Mention your pets, too.

@basileasou Yours states actual cost for 12 months, usually this means there isn't a dollar limit but a time limit (your accomodations would have to be comparable to your existing ones).

They will often try and find a place that will take pets, though depending on how many you have that can make things tricky.

If that can't be done, they will usually cover the costs to board your animals.
@basileasou It's separate, and the limit is usually 30% of your Cov A. It does not mean you get that giant chunk for a couple of weeks at a 5-star hotel, but for reasonable housing and living expenses. Keep receipts for everything!

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