H&R Block “Tax Prep” cost question

Does it always cost to file taxes at the end?

I’m filing my taxes now and finished up using H&R Block I have the milonesource premium version.

Am I paying due to me and my wife having 2 different states filing? Along with 1099s and our W2s?
@rightlydividedscriptures It should and can be free. Don’t log directly into H&R Block with your old credentials - you need to go through the MilTax website to verify your account first. Once you’re verified, you’ll be able to use your H&R Block login and tax information from previous years with $0 fees.
@tsundoku I did all that and was still charged. I called H&R and got a refund. They couldn’t explain why I had to pay because the mil tax logo was present when I was logged in.
@matthew45taylor The MilTax verification process seems to have changed, requiring you to reverify through MilTax website first. If you log into H&R Block without doing that, it’ll try to charge you. I was able to reverify and am using my previous H&R login and past year tax info for free now.
@rightlydividedscriptures You need to go through military one source and it’ll be free. I logged in through H&R Block and it charged me. I had to log out and relog in through military one source and it was free. I filed both state and federal.

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