Couldn't see a post for this. Grocer is a NZ free app, I use it on android, (update: there is also an iOS version). You can select your local supermarkets and then search for items and it will show you the different prices so you can see where it's cheaper. I've found it pretty accurate, and tend to use it when I need to get something that's more pricey, like big bags of cat food, where the difference between it being on special or not can be like $10. Hopefully this is a helpful tip for other people.
@glenninindy If you live near rural supplies stores they can often be cheaper still. I got a tray of whiskas cat food from PGG Wrightsons about $10 cheaper than the price I see it at Warehouse.
@goodolchristiangal I use grocer for my regular shop, it's great to be able to find the best price.

In Hamilton we have Pak N Save, New World, Warehouse and Woolworths all up one road. Grocer gives the best price at what store in a list, so I use it and do a shop through the different stores saving me some serious bank.

On an interesting note, since Countdown become Woolworths, there is no longer anything cheaper at their store, meaning I totally skip them...
@goodolchristiangal I love it too and usually try to enter my items into the list ahead of time when I do a shop to figure out what to buy where. If I'm doing an impromptu stop to buy something I'll scan a few other products while I'm in store and see if it's worth buying them now where I am or if it can wait a couple of days until I get to a different shop. It's so handy. Seriously my favourite app ever!
@goodolchristiangal This app absolutely rules. Can't live without it. More people should check out the Plans tab at the bottom. If you add a whole bunch of items to your List, and select the stores near you, plans will give you a breakdown of what to grab from each store. I use it every week and usually hit all three different supermarkets, using the Plans tab to tell me what to get from each (i.e. where it is cheapest).
@goodolchristiangal I like the app but wish there was a way to sort the items in the plans from each shop. Reason being is i like to sort based on the location of stuff in the stores rather than pissing around scrolling the list on each aisle to make sure I’ve got everything.

It’s also a bit more faff re entering your shopping list twice effectively but it does save a few bucks. One thing I’ve noticed is that most stuff is cheaper at pak n save than Woolworths BUT more than I thought is slightly cheaper at woolies when it’s on sale.

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