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I’ve got access to a home/DIY coffee roaster. Anyone searched for the cheapest beans around so I can practice? Green Bean House in the Wairarapa so far seems to offer the best deals on 1kg lots (start from $16.50/kg).
@m_louise_2911 I roast my own. A few protips, leave the cover on when cooling. It allows for even cooling.
If it's in cage roaster buy a air blower to remove the husks/shell. You can blow it while they are in the cage after the cooling process.

Mixing beans can heavily effect the taste. But 20 to 25% is the lowest amount u can blend evenly.
@m_louise_2911 I add multiple pain killing drugs to a Colombian and papa new Guinea mix. So I'm not the best person to give advice. But Colombian is better lightly roasted and papa is better median. Height above sea level does effect roasting more than u think.
@m_louise_2911 I would recommend asking some smaller startup roasters in your area to pool ordering.
Plus, if you get an account with Cofinet, Opal, John Burton, Trade Aid, or Sucafina, you can ask for endless samples until you find an origin you like.
@cbonetwobe By ‘small amount of time’ I assume you mean ‘several days’. Espresso brewed on the day of roasting is just a mound of suds. And it sounds like there was a stone in your beans.
@m_louise_2911 Me too. I used to live in Portland Oregon and there was a great shop called "Mr Green Beans" which sold an astounding variety of beans from all over the world.

One of the key takeaways is that the popcorn pepper had to be the kind that would blow the beans in a circular motion stole the circumference of the chamber, and not just blow the hot air straight up from the bottom. Do you know if popcorn poppers in New Zealand that work like this? Where do you even buy a popcorn popper for roasting here?


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