Got a job offer at PwC but a bit skeptial to accept after seeing the news about the tax scandal, what should I do?

@christabelle I have worked with all the big 4 (client side) and PWC is a cut above to be sure. If you’re going to join one of them, PWC is the one to join.

KPMG also did a mandatory cut of everyone’s salaries during covid (I am based in Melb) - I believe it was 20% but the workload was the same. They were also unflinching about everyone maintaining performance which was particularly tough for those with young children who couldn’t go to daycare or school. All the parents I know who worked there were terrified of losing their jobs and most people I know either resigned or lost interest after the way they treated people so badly.

EY used to be good but the quality has dropped a lot. After PWC, Deloitte would be my preference based on quality of staff and output.
@christabelle You should accept, knowing what Big 4 is like (a sweat shop in general).

The Big 4 firms will vary depending on what service line, city and your partner. PWC Infrastructure Advisory in Brisbane was thought to be crap in my circles, whereas Deloitte and KPMG were great. This would vary for Sydney and Melbourne. So YMMV.
@christabelle From a chat today with some mates who have also received offers. PwC had a huge walkout and are offering jobs to everybody and everybody.

Apparently toxic, but who knows.
They are desperate and you might be able to negotiate better terms… worst comes to worse you can always leave.
@christabelle Disclaimer I work for a different Big 4 in Cybersecurity consulting

It depends on the section and how the partners of the section operate. I have some brilliant partners and directors who enforce a good work/life balance (I very rarely do overtime). The worst thing at the moment from the scandal is the increased focus on any potential ethical violations that have occurred and that PWC is likely to be passed over for a number of Fed Gov contracts.

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