Got a job offer at PwC but a bit skeptial to accept after seeing the news about the tax scandal, what should I do?

@markthegospelof This would be my concern. With their competitors offering an identical product, why would someone choose PwC now? Government is 40% of their business so that will take a hit
@christabelle An Australian book has been written about the Big Four:

The Big Four: The Curious Past and Perilous Future of the Global Accounting Monopoly

Ian D. Gow, Stuart Kells
@christabelle What is your concern ? That PwC will go bust or similar or that the quality of the work won't be great in the wash up ?

I wouldn't worry that PwC would ever go bust. Besides, whatever skills you obtain at PwC would be readily transferrable.
@christabelle Look up the Wikipedia pages for the each of the Big4. There's a controversies section for very good reasons.

They've been busted for widespread exam cheating in numerous countries (including on ethics), banned from auditing in a few, racked up fine after fine, been involved with bribery scandals, and accused of passing on confidential information about clients to insurers, banks and potential business purchasers, among other notable little issues. They're all still here.

The only questions are 1) how the idea of working for companies with track records like these makes you feel, and 2) can you find employers with no moral or ethical issues to work for, anyway?
@christabelle I'm joining pwc in a few weeks as well. A friend, who is already there, said that you "may" have to worry about job security if you're going to join the Tax business. If not, don't worry too much, you should be fine.
@christabelle You all remember what happened to the last big auditing company that got mixed up in a scandal?... Lookup Arthur Andersen and the Enron case. An auditing company that relies on integrity as its core business function shouldn't exist imo....
@mwylcxca97 McKinsey has settled for their role in the US opioid epidemic with estimated 450,000 deaths caused by their actions, consulting/auditing firms just keep on cruising.
@mwylcxca97 The brand died, but the business and the people in it carried on just fine as parts of other firms.

And what they did to destroy the brand was pretty spectacular. They could have gotten away with auditing Enron, but destroying the evidence was several steps too far.

PwC will be fine. They have just been caught out doing versions of what they have (allegedly etc) all been doing since forever.
@christabelle Do it. PwC is still a great company with a strong brand name at the end of the day. Probably the best of the big 4 in Australia. The only other thing of concern is their pay, which is atrocious and their long hours. But it's a good starting board for a career.
@christabelle I did PwC for a few years after uni, into my mid 20’s.

Great career opportunities and got to work overseas. Great connections and wonderful friends!

You work ridiculously hard, long hours, and you sell your soul.

But if I had my time over - I’d do it again. Led to many great opportunities.

Even with the current issues.
@christabelle If you don't have any better offers, does it matter? Name 1 big firm that doesn't have bad laundry. Also, them being in a scandal doesn't make it a bad firm, because most probably not everyone at the firm was involved or even knew about it until it became public.

PS: Not a PWC current or ex-employee.
@christabelle PWC is copping a public whipping for the bad actions of ALL consultancies. KPMG, EY etc - all of them - to varying extents - all exchange information for opportunity.

So don’t worry, just take the career opportunity and enjoy the ride. This will blow over in 6 months and things will be back to normal

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