
New member
Hey, i’m from Norway and looking for a european online broker platform that is reliable and offers low costs for buying ETF’s (not yearly cost) and that will report taxes for me in my country if that’s possible. Does anyone have any good suggestions? :)

The largest one in scandinavia almost holds a monopoly and it has fairly non competative pricing on buying stocks outside of scandinavia and EU, around 8 dollars cost per buy and sale of an ETF seems unreasonable to me but tell me if thats the standard or not.

Thanks for any advice :D!
@salomon_shalom Trading 212. I set my banking app to send a fixed amount monthly and T212 uses that money, also automated, to buy the 3 ETFs I've chosen (investment pie I think it's called).
@salomon_shalom I don't know for Norway but where I live (Belgium) I couldn't find a broker that does all the taxes stuff but doesn't cost €5 per trade... It's not bad if you plan to buy and hold for a long time but if you want to trade on a more regular basis, I presume you'll need to do some tax stuff yourself...
@salomon_shalom Unpaid interest for multiple currencies, free account management, no transaction costs for ETF purchases. Fast withdraw and deposit with Revolut/Wise. Super, user-friendly web interface and application.

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