Good Coverage source until Medicare kicks in


New member
I am thinking about retiring early at 60 y.o. This will leave me without employer provided health insurance for my family of 4 for several years unless I get health insurance from the open market. What are reputable sources for open market health insurance and what would a rough range of monthly rates be for a family of 4?

I started having kids late in life which is why I need coverage for 4 people, not 2. I am also looking for good coverage that has no pre existing condition exemptions.
@proverbsman86 Healthcare. Gov is the only website you should use. It might direct you to your state’s marketplace, but that’s the official ‘marketplace’

Monthly rates would depend on your household income.

Anything you get from healthcare .gov would cover preexisting conditions.
@proverbsman86 Any ACA compliant plan will cover preexisting conditions.

The best place to research your options is to go to your state’s official site and review plans.

The good news is that you can get insurance. The less than bad news is that in most states age is a factor in determining rates and 61 to 65 is typically lumped together as the age group. Premiums for this age are really high depending In what kind of coverage is most approprfor your family’s needs.

The net premium cost is going to be dependent on your annual income and whether you qualify for a premium subsidy.

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