Going forward, how does anyone reaching the 3 million super cap when you can’t make non concessional contributions after 1.9m?

Perhaps you should read up on what you are talking about and not ask people to do the work for you

Perhaps you should know it's indeed a new type of taxation that's never been done before in almost anywhere in the world!

Its basically a dangerous "unrealised" gains tax of 15% on top of the normal/realised gains tax of 15%. Grossly mislabeled as a 30% tax.

But what would you know you arrogant idiot!
@kodybricen Over the past 40 years inflation has been an annualized 3.5%. Over the past 30 years super funds have returned an average of 7.8% in their growth option. A 25 year old making 80,000 today, with annual salary growth of only 3.5% and with 7.8% returns will reach 3 million from mandatory contributions alone.

Play around with a compound interest calculator: thecalculatorsite.com

Note that the 1.9m is indexed to inflation while the 3m is not.

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