Globe Life still hasn’t obtained records. Why is it taking so long?


New member
Long story short, my wife passed away in July. Globe Life asked for medical records from two facilities. They received the records from the hospital but not from her primary care Dr. Her primary care Dr works out of the same hospital and all the records are combined. Globe life’s third part who they use to get these records won’t close out the case for the Primary Drs records because they have received them yet. But they are the exact same records as the hospital sent. The policy was less than two years old. I understand this policy is contestable but every time I email “AI” they just tell me that they left a voice mail with the facility. They call every 15 days and say the same thing. How long can they have this open before they are forced to close it?
@kumari5050 i would call the primary care doc and ask them to send the records again, or get the primary doctor to write a simple letter on letterhead stating that all of his records were included in what was previously sent to Globe Life's aps retrieval team.
@kumari5050 Doctor's offices and medical record departments are notoriously slow. Call them directly and advise that the insurance company is requesting records and they need to comply ASAP
@kumari5050 I am a state licensed broker I used to work at globe life I have since switched to become a broker I was personally not a fan of their policy details and the prices. If you want to give me a call or shoot me a text my name is James here is my personal number, I will send all my certifications over to you so you know I am a real legit person.

@kumari5050 Collecting medical records is the biggest pain in the arse… Doctors offices/hospitals tend to not prioritize these requests. And some will even outsource this task by using “copy services” - which are even slower and notoriously a total nightmare to work with.

Luckily it seems that EHR is becoming more and more common and might make this process easier in the future.. but it’s still a ways away.

Your best bet is to call the doctors office yourself - every day if you can. Eventually they will get annoyed and do what you need them to do.
@swaninthewilderness I have, they just tell me that they are waiting for the paperwork from the primary care Dr. And that the claim is still pending. I got an email today from AI saying that they resent the paperwork again for the 3rd time.
@kumari5050 Ok. If the Dr's paperwork is already mixed in with the hospital's, I would ask the doctor to send a signed statement to fax number, 405-270-1496, or to, advising us of this fact. If the doctor could send the records to the fax/email as well, that would help. Just to advise, when we do eventually receive everything, the medical records have to be reviewed, and that unfortunately can take awhile. If I were you, I would email/fax/call Claims to check in the status every three weeks. It has to be three weeks, b/c that is the max time frame for anything on a claim to be processed. If you call before that time frame has ended, and if there is no change on the claim, the reps will just say to call back at the 3 week mark. This method will allow you to ask a rep to escalate the issue and ask a supe to look further into the claim if nothing has happened after 3 weeks.

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