Getting robbed by Rogers...what should I do? (x-post from /r/Canada)


New member
I live in Etobicoke in an apartment with my gf. I've spent close to 10 hours on the phone with Rogers trying to get this stuff resolved and they basically told me that they couldn't do anything for me...
Here are my issues:
  • paying for 100u internet but can't get service anywhere except one room in my apartment, I was sold on the new rocket modem as having excellent coverage (rep said I wouldn't need a range extender anymore)...still need a range extender, bought two that won't work with the WPS (something to do with it being dual band)...wireless test gave me speeds around 78mbps
  • was upsold to the VIP package for cable, don't see any meaningful difference in channels (still don't get specialty business or sports packages, missing some TV channels). I specifically was looking for CNBC and it is only offered in Standard Definition. What year is this?!?!?!
  • upgraded to a new phone and they charged me $20, later found out it was free to order online. I also traded in my old phone for $90 and still have not been reimbursed yet
What is my best course of action? Management has said "it's too bad about that, but we didn't make those promises and that's individual to your location" cancel everything it will cost me $700!!!!!

All I'm asking for is to get $300 worth of service for $300 worth of monthly fees. What should I do??
@mike302 can confirm, I also pay the same. Internet thru, phone through and TV through Netflix. I also subscribe to Spotify since I'm saving so much elsewhere.

Man that has a ring to it, I'm going to say it to ... Fuck Rogers! I also use wind, teksavy, a tv antenna and Netflix. Does me just fine. Fucking Rogers pricks
@mauddib Sounds like tek savvy

Edit: I switched from Rogers to tek savvy 2 years ago. Got double the speed, quadruple the bandwidth, paying half as much as I was with robbers... er Rogers*

Haven't looked back.
@mauddib You're giving Rogers $3600/y? Is that before or after tax?


I've spent close to 10 hours on the phone with Rogers trying to get this stuff resolved ridiculous.

I have a few ideas for you. Some may fit your needs, some may not.
  • Write down each item that is different than your expected. You'll be able to refer to this later.
  • Review your contract.
  • Call them to express your concerns. For some items, they may refer you to tech support for some things (re: "why is my speed only 78mbps?") and to customer care for other things.
  • Request to speak to retention.
  • Weigh if it is better for you financially to carry on the contract or end your relationship with the company.
  • Once your call is completed, remember to never, ever, ever, sign a contract with a telecommunications company again. Ever. Paying a little more each month is a small price for them to never have you by the balls.
  • Follow these instructions on how to build a TV antenna
  • Consult /r/cordcutters if netflix and an antenna are not enough.
Frankly, paying ~two months of worth of service to not have to pay for that ongoing bill is almost worth it. For $300 I could lease a compact car and still have money left over for gas.

FWIW I'm paying about $50ish/month ($600/y) for internet through Teksavvy, who is a reseller of Shaw in this area. Granted my cheaper internet is nowhere near as fast as yours, though faster packages are available for more $$. We don't have a data cap. Fuck data caps.

I pay ~100$/mo ($1200/y) for two cellphones, each with unlimited talk/text/domestic long distance and 1GB of data. (I know 1GB isn't a enough data for some people, we could easily pay more, but our usage is within this as neither of us play videos on our phones when we are outside of wifi.

For phones, I'm still using my old iPhone4S which was purchased outright back when it was released. My wife is using a Samsung of about the same vintage. We are with Koodo. Both our phones are unlocked. None of the above services have contracts. We could walk away at any time.

I'll never buy a locked phone from a carrier ever again. There are ways not to. These days you can get an iPhone, Android Nexus, One Plus, new--without being locked and without being loaded with bloatware--or a used phone, all without letting a carrier get their claws on your balls. There are options out there.

/sorry this turned into a longer post than I expected/intended.

tl;dr: you could be putting at least $1000/y more towards other things than giving it to this guy

Hope some of this is helpful. Sorry about your situation.
@jumping13 You have to shop across provinces, pretty much. The 35:1GB deal is/was a Koodo Quebec exclusive. I was on Petro-Canada last year for the same price and half the bandwidth and a cap on minutes... Plus I had to deal with Rogers' rural reception. Still, at the time for my usage scenario that was the best deal.

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