Gcash: Unauthorized fund transfers to be reversed by 3 p.m. today | ANC

@tonyhipps Wasn't the BPI issue clearly a system glitch? That was when legit transfers were double posted right? Or was this a different incident you're referring to?
@tonyhipps Ah you're referring to the same incident then.. I dunno, a security issue to me is when an external party was able to get control of their system or if an insider was able to perform unsanctioned changes. If it was an officially approved work that had unintended consequences due to say human error, that to me isn't a security issue and is less alarming to me than a legit security issue.
@tonyhipps This issue will still be left unresolved - or maybe solved internally without closure for the users how GCash can make sure this doesn't happen again. It's not as if this is the first time there were waves of "hacks" in GCash.

If their knee jerk reaction is to blame the users even if it's probably not their fault (kasi nga GCash has not explained thoroughly what happened), then this is just them saving face, rather than being interested to make sure the funds on their accounts are secure.

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