G.R.P and more money to specific principal, or S.R.P?


New member
Hadn't looked at my student loans in a while, currently i'm paying $400/month on a graduated repayment plan. I believe that I am making enough money to where I could go back to the standard repayment plan if I so choose. However, I was wondering if it would be better for me to stay on the graduated repayment plan and contribute money to a specific higher interest loan or if I should just move up to the Standard plan (and possibly not be able to contribute any more).

Also if I pay additional on the principal on the graduated repayment plan, would the amount it bumps up after 2 years be less then what it would have, or will it still bump the same amount? As in, if my loan was 7000 less what it is now, I would assume the bump should be less.
Kind of got answers to my question from calling the bank.
Graduated payment plan for me increases by 30% every 24 months. So if I'm paying $400 now, after the first 24 months it will go up to 520$. However if I were able to pay off a loan fully before, I would then be subtracting the amount of monthly payment from that 520$ so it would be a bit less. Doesn't sound like the monthly payments change until I pay the loan off fully. Also, thankfully, the interest I have per month is less then the amount that I am paying per month so some amount is going to principal.

Makes me think that paying off the smallest loan with the highest interest is the way to go to decrease my monthly payment next jump instead of just tackling the biggest loan with the same interest rate.

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