[G&M] Vanguard launches ‘one-ticket solution’ ETFs


New member
Basically, Vanguard will allow Canadians to follow the CCP strategy with a single ETF.
No rebalancing needed by the investor but slightly higher fees (MER 0.24%) than the traditional 3 ETFs version.

The Vanguard Conservative ETF Portfolio (VCNS-TSX) has a 40/60 mix of stocks and bonds, respectively, the Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL-TSX) has a 60/40 mix and the Vanguard Growth ETF Portfolio (VGRO-TSX) is 80/20. Each has a management expense ratio that should come in around 0.24 per cent

Investing giant Vanguard launches ‘one-ticket solution’ ETFs

As noted in the article, it may be an interesting alternative to robo-advisers for 1/3 of the fees.
Another advantage I see in a one-ticket solution is that it may be a safeguard against market timing. You can still wait to invest but it prevents you to temporarily tweak your allocation in a attempt to chase higher returns.

Anyway, even if I'll not use them, I'm happy to see fresh products in the canadian industry and not just new gambling ETFs.

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