
New member
I have a doubt regarding 2 ETFs, FWRG and VWRP. This might also be a newbie question. l don't see why they both have different prices. Also, is it wise to invest more with Invesco rather than Vanguard because of their fees or invest with Vanguard because the fund size is much larger?
@miracle2019 I'm not sure why you think they should have the same price.. they are different funds, handled by different organizations, there is no reason why they should have the same price

because they track the same index, they will get almost indentical returns, but the starting price is just arbitrary... it depends on how many stocks are associated with each share of the fund

the ter difference is very small, at 0.07% per year, so i would use this as a discriminator only if all other things are equal, but i would probbaly still go with vanguard because of the largest fund size (10 times larger) and becasue they have a larger "sampling" of 3000 stocks, vs 900, both the fund sise and the better sampling will reduce the tracking error. because the invesco will have a worst tracking error, that 0.07% is even less relevant, because the tracking error will probably be larger than that, so you might pay more 'fees' with invesco than vanguard at the end (or you might pay less.. tracking error is pseudo random)

Also, larger fund size means lower bid-ask spread, which is nice, and lower chances of delisting, which is great...

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