Frugal tips to save money

@edimkoff Dried pasta is so cheap though. Unless you have plenty of spare time and are willing to (and can afford to) waste ingredients getting it not-quite-right the first couple of times, it's not something I'd recommend as a money saving measure. It's also hard to make small portions (as it's hard to divide an egg in half), and requires certain kitchen facilities that may or may not be available (clean bench space, rolling pin, drying rack of some kind unless you're using it all fresh).

Not trying to put down your idea (mother sauces are a great suggestion), but from scratch doesn't automatically equal cheaper/better when all things are considered.
@hupto If its in season - buy fresh

If its not in season - buy frozen

If its on special - buy tinned

The processes used for tinning and freezing are super advanced now, and the quality of the food is so high that they don't lose any nutrients
@hupto I’m fairly stumped at this point but on the subject of lentils, I find the canned brown lentils from the supermarket great to bulk up mince dishes - i chuck a can in with ~300g mince and it turns it into a huge amount to food to feed three of us + leftovers
@hupto I find the supermarkets being shut or out of food to be a great money saver.

I made a delicious meal of ‘random can without a label at the back of the pantry’ tonight. Might try ‘bottom of the freezer thing’ tomorrow.
@hupto I'll only buy certain items from the supermarket if they are on special.

I do this by putting website checking alerts in place using It will check the item each day and if it picks up the word special, I'll get an email.

Have found it pretty handy for getting specific items.
@gankutsuou Have a look around on the site but there is a few ways of doing it. It can do a static compare of the whole page but generally you'll get changes daily on a page with ads or word changes, so looking for a specific word is better.

So just find a product that you want, grab the website address for that product and put it into that website. Once you do that it gives you a bunch of options. Its not the best on mobile, the experience on a desktop pc is a lot better.

I love it for out of stock stuff as well, if a website doesn't have a built in alert system you can use this instead.
@hupto Don't browse the shops (online or in person) for fun/out of boredom. Unsubscribe every time you get a promotional email. If you specifically need something, go hunting for that only - and wait a week or two before going ahead with the purchase. If it's an impulse buy the time with help you let it go.
@hupto OMD. You can survive on a lot less food than you think.

And who the hell pays someone to drop their food off. Your already paying for someone to make your food.

Either make your own or go and get it yourself. Service on top of service. Might as well set fire to your cash.

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