Friend won’t pay me back, what’s my opinions?

@frogwellprincess It’s worth remembering that if you loan money to a friend you should consider it gone and just be happy if you happen to get it back.

You should try to contact him first in some other way, before going to court. Courts are slow and expensive.
@frogwellprincess Leave a message on all of his social media posts asking him about the money. Shaaaaameeee!!!

If you know his family then shame him there too. Go to his house and speak to his parents maybe.
@frogwellprincess People who said forget it honestly..shut up. You must be the friend who borrow then dont pay. Its 7k fgs not mere RM 50 🙄 op said he needed the money now. I say involved the parents, if no budge shame him on social media he’ll pay eventually. He’s a f grown man.
@frogwellprincess Organise the small clams court, have everything in place to lodge. (Or lodge if it’s easy to retract)
Then call up his mum, and let her know situation, with the proviso that you will retract claim / or follow through with claim if full payment isn’t made within x business days.
@frogwellprincess True relatives and friends will return money owed promptly. He is not your friend, and only considers you as a piggybank worth 7k. You are delusional to think the friendship still exist now. Involve everyone you can to claim back your money, once. Then consider the money is burned along with his existence. Take this incident as a lesson.

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