@bootsandjeans Just to note, you also have to have a different credit/debit card if you're getting a second one.

Also, don't forget to cancel after the first box! They're betting on you forgetting about it and letting the subscription continue... Make sure you check the cut off dates, and if you're having trouble figuring out how to cancel, then at least skip the coming week to give yourself more time.
@joosten0603 You can’t. Hello fresh is a scam that sends you less than average food & when you try to cancel makes it near impossible, they will keep sending them after you cancel, even if you refuse delivery because you tried to cancel they bill you anyway. Then! They send you to baycorp. Dodge these pricks! They are currently being investigated by consumer nz and others.
@faith2018 I cancelled mine initially, they said I did it too late and wasn't processed until x, a couple of days after I cancelled. I said it wasnt my fault/problem, they said there was nothing they could do as my order had been processed and needed to charge me. I got them to agree to not charging me and they said they'd cancel my box. Box turned up, they never charged me.

A year or two later I got an email, had a look around the site again, didn't sign up, didn't place an order or anything and the mfs charged me. I rung up, complained I didn't reactive my account, they said something along the lines of we didn't want you to miss out on the order I had been preparing. I told them I don't want it but i want my money back. They said they couldn't do it. I told them I'd talk to my bank, they said they'd refund me and cancel my box. I got my money back and the box turned up.

Overall I have received about 5 boxes from hello fresh, never paid full price and got 2 for free.

Good deal but my experience with them tells me they have shit company, manipulative company and I won't deal with them in the future

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