
New member
Hi all,

I am trying to submit a CGT return for 2019 (I know I am quite late already). In the CG1 form, item 1a asks about the value of shares quoted which I understand corresponds to the value of total sale proceeds. My strategy back then was to buy and sell in short amount time (sort of swing trading in some cases in less than 4 weeks). My initial investment was 20k and I made a gross profit of 5 grand, but the aggregate sales amount of shares looks like €64k - that seems a little odd as the actual money involved was much less. Because I bought and sold and bought and sold the same share many times, the value of shares quotes seems very high. I am scared that will raise attention from Revenue for no reason. What do you think? Is this the right way to calculate the quoted shares section if I sold and bought the same share in short amount of times? Or am I supposed to calculate it in another way? Any guidance would be much appreciated.

so lets say I bought 5 Apple stocks on Feb 5th and sold on Feb 10th (for X amount) with a gain. Then I bought again 5 stocks on Feb 15th and sold on March 20th (for Y amount) and made a gain again. So is the aggrregate amount of sales proceeds X+Y? Or just Y? Any clue?
@kc3angel Did you figure this out? I'm wondering too whether it's a case of total buy prices less total sell prices where there's multiple buys, sells, rebuys with the same money.because I think this gives an accurate figure of the amount actually involved and not an inflated amount that's not real. Also "aggregate" meaning in dictionary indicates taking all elements into account. It's confusing.

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