Forget shrinkflation. Let’s “discontinue” a product and rename and repackage it at a much higher price!

@drbarryrev Purina is owned by Nestlé and nestle doesn't give a shit about anything but money. They'll kill human babies for a chance at more money, they sure as hell won't give a shit about your pet. Sorry.
@drbarryrev That's what's so horrible about these companies. They literally do not give a shit about whatever it is they are providing. They're all owned by hedge funds who are just there to extract money and eventually ruin the business and move on. All they care about is skirting the bare minimum. They could shorten dogs' life spans by half with their food and it wouldn't even register in their heads.
@dstamps Completely agree. Look at how many items we consume cause cancer. And look at the epidemic of it. Back when I lived in a different country we ate food from farm to table and it was rare knowing anyone who developed cancer. Here in the US so many people are dying of cancer and it's because it's in everything we put in and on our bodies
@drbarryrev Can confirm. I am a former vet tech. A Purina rep came out to extole the virtues of their products. Another tech asked them point blank "Why do you sell this low-priced product when, by your own admission, it is made of lesser quality ingredients compared to your higher priced foods?".

The sales rep smiled and said "Well, it makes us a lot of money".

It's the only time I've heard a sales rep be honest. I've never bought a Purina product since then.

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