Forget shrinkflation. Let’s “discontinue” a product and rename and repackage it at a much higher price!


New member
How dumb do these companies think we are? First, this happened with my cat’s food. I used to get a 6-lb bag for $28 last year. Then Purina “discontinued” it and relabeled it as 4-in-1 (whatever the hell that means) and it is now a 5-lb bag for $37.

Now my bar soap. I got a two pack (5 oz each) for $5.89 in Jan. Now they discontinue and relabel/rename into one 5-oz bar with a fancy addition of the word “Eco” in its name for $3.59. Which would be $7.18 for two.

Man, fuck these companies.

(Yes, I know there are cheaper options out there, but I care about my cat’s health and my skin.)
@bc8486 Okay, then you should come to the realization that not all isms are bad. That's an extremely black and white view for a "free thinker"
@tarina Monopolies, in consumer goods, particularly, can only exist with the support of a strong government. Other than natural monopolies, these companies rely on regulations to keep competition out of the market. We got what we voted for.
@loverofthelamb Honestly it's more the absolute need to have growth. You can be profitable but if you don't grow quarter after quarter, you're not successful.

There's a limited amount of value you can squeeze out of production/logistics before you have to start squeezing customers.
@smurf42 I agree with you 100% just adding the monopolies and duopolies exacerbate that issue. Instead of smaller growth from competition and pressure to keep things affordable, one/two massive companies take all the business. So they raise prices more and more with no competition to keep them in check, which then makes the % growth 1/4 over 1/4 have to be even larger because they are only compared to their own last 1/4 and not any competition. It makes their charts look exponential instead of linear due to having to appease shareholders.

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