Foreign Tax Credit Question - US Citizen and German Resident

LOL. I mentioned interest income from the start. Please don't make excuses.

So you're chewing me out for something you wrote.

This is getting absurd.

I did not mention interest in the post you so vigorously objected to.

But when someone now corrects your error

I am still waiting for the correction. "You're wrong." is not a correction. And I am not getting a CPA involved to resolve a dispute with a random person on the internet.
@stephendisraeli No, I am "chewing you out" for spreading misinformation and then acting all indignant when someone corrected you on it.

Either learn to understand the topics properly, or stop running around pretending to be a tax expert.
@tatenda Pay for a half hour or an hour with an expat tax expert. They can help you with tax planning and you don't have to spend half of your life learning the US and German tax code. I use greenback tax, but there is also expat tax us, and a bunch of others. Money well spent.

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