Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

@giggabyte Hell if I could accurately find stocks at even a 10% discount and then offload onto others at fair value that's all that I would do with my time.
@resjudicata I don't doubt it is a thing, it just seems incredibly stupid for exactly the reason shown here (Ford was made to show an unrealized gain that has vanished).
@pix Yeah, many people don't like it, most notably Warren Buffett, but there are reasons for it. It does make investors' job more difficult, having to adjust earnings manually against these big one-offs. I forget exactly the proposed resolution to the problems created by the rule but I think they have something to do with changing where mark to market happens from within the income statement (or something like that, idk I'm not a doctor)
@pix GAAP accounting is stupid. If you realize this and can actually value a company properly, you can make a fuck ton of money. The problem is finding a company you can actually understand that is mispriced. It typically happens in the same sector all at once or it pops up randomly due to a management change or whatever.

I'm not the expert, at this but if I were I'd have a harem of asian women.
@gaelsbee Reduces vehicle cost and delivery charges if you’re buying new. I never have but have been thinking about it for that ford lightning. If gas keeps climbing it might pencil.
@gaelsbee Correct, must be 100 shares. You also have to hold them for 6 months to qualify. There’s a lot of shareholder discounts. If you have geico insurance 1 share of BRKB gives you an 8% discount for instance.
@brokenjohninchrist Also using a P / E multiple that uses historic (backwards-looking) data in the denominator isn't actually used in practice, since it's an apples-to-oranges comparison......

P tells you the markets expectation about future data. E needs to be the name to really tell you anything useful....

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