For sake of argument, I you get MYR 200k ~ 250k to invest, which investment will you do?


New member
Let say in some near future (maybe in 2 ~ 3 months) you will be getting this money (200k ~ 250k), which investment will you choose? And please give detailed answer, thank you.

a) Play safe (ASNB)

b) Property

c) Buy American company stock like Google or Microsoft

d) Stashaway or Wahed investment

e) Forex like OctaFX

f) Crypto

g) etc?

Honestly, I prefer investment that is maybe more than 5 years as long as the risk is not that high. I'm not looking for short and risky investment because I don't like risky investment but I'm also willing to know what type of investment you all do right now that is short and risky.
@tanner1991 So you need to do some reading first and gain some knowledge.. Find a mentor to guide if possible.. Make sure you truly understand your investment tool before you start.. Depending on your risk appetite.. Invest with money that you can afford to lose first for a starter..
@tanner1991 Best safe option right now is FD. Some banks already offer more than 3.5% pa.

ANSB is only good if you can buy the fixed capital one. The variable capital one is shit even worst than FD atm.

The rest depend on your risk appetite but I advise against crypto. I personally use Rakuten trade to buy US stocks currently buying a mix of US and Chinese tech stocks, fees low and allow to settle in USD. Very convenient.

There's some crazy bargains in the tech stock area especially if you can hold 5 years. My suggestion is keep most in FD for now and then take like 10 to 20% into stock market. You can always add into stock market.

Last thing you never mention is EPF. This year max limit 60k, next year 100k. If you put all 250k into EPF, its going to help greatly with retirement.
@ineedadvice101 Can i tumpang tanya. How do we know the ASNB we invest is fixed capital or variable one?

First time i heard of EPF investment, I’ve always thought we can only put in via month end payslip. Employer and employee contribution. How do we contribute more using our saving? Does it have “dividend” rate or other terms like asnb?

Look at the list. Anything under FIXED PRICE section is fixed capital. There's another where it stated VARIABLE PRICE section.

First time i heard of EPF investment, I’ve always thought we can only put in via month end payslip. Employer and employee contribution. How do we contribute more using our saving? Does it have “dividend” rate or other terms like asnb?

Its not an "investment".

Its called voluntary contribution. If you have I-EPF can just top up directly. EPF interest rate every year is about 5 to 6 % just that you can't withdraw until like 50/55 for both account 2/1.
@ineedadvice101 Ahh i see, so voluntary contribution limit for this year is 60k? So lets say i already had 40k inside and put in 60k more. After a year, i will get interest of 5-6% which is around 5k “bonus”? Is it how it works?
@bonyjose If the 40k already in there since the start of the year get full interest. The 60k you put today you expect get full interest? Lol.

The interest caculated on a daily basis la bro.
@ineedadvice101 Yaa i mean a fresh next year. If i have 100k inside and after a full 1 year i would get 5% interest? It would just be as good as asnb only downside is not easy for liquidation
@bonyjose ASNB fixed capital is the ASM and ASB,the price is always RM1
EPF is pension investment-Both Employer and Employee put contribute(by default Company is 13% and Employee is 11%)you can add on contribution up to RM60k annualy.You can apply to increase your monthly contribution,just go to the KWSP office or email them.

EPF have dividend given annually(around 5% for syariah compliant and 5-6% for conventional)
Dividen is compounded ie: Get added toward total EPF since you cant withdraw before 55 years.

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