Follow up from previous Q! How to find a decent accountant for one-time investment advice (+ possibly helping with filing taxes later)?


New member
Hey peeps, I’m very new to investing, a non-EU national, and am not in a position to invest a whole lot of money immediately. Ive decided that I would like to find an affordable accountant to run through the basics of my investment options with me. Any tips on finding one? Thanks!
@caelo21 You can get a lot of information on investing from Youtube or Google.

Can I ask how long you've been in Ireland cause it may affect which country you'll pay capital gains too.
@solanus Im just not ready to do anything with my money until im sure i understand everything that it implies 😅 which is why id rather talk to an accountant about it before committing to anything.

Ive been here for around 2.5 years on a student visa; have been paying taxes on my part time jobs, etc. in the meantime
@caelo21 You could start out investing with a small amount you feel comfortable with to get used to the process. This is the way I started last February.

I'd say you've probably been here long enough so you'll most likely pay taxs to Irish revenue.

If the sum of money your investing is quite large I'd 100% recommend speaking to an accountant but if its just a couple grand I wouldn't bother as the fees would kill any gains.

P.s. Stay away from WallStreetBets it's too easy to get caught up with their shininegans.
@caelo21 Hi, you mention you're a non- EU national. Are you from the US by chance? If so, you need to google around on investing abroad as a US citizen: it's not so straight forward. If you're not from the US, then disregard! Best.

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