First Time Getting an Insurance


New member
I'm 24F and I consider myself a breadwinner to my parents since only child lang naman ako. I'm near to completing my target emergency fund. Probably by 2021 complete na. I'm now looking into getting an insurance already and I have the following questions.

  1. [Life Insurance] How can I make sure that my dependents (parents) can actually get the coverage in case I got an insurance online or from an agent which is not close to me? I don't have any close friends (those that my parents knows) that are agents kasi.
  2. How does a health insurance differ from an HMO?

Thanks in advance!
  1. Give your policy details to your beneficiaries and contact details of your FA (or even a copy of the policy contract). They can also claim directly to the insurance companies.
  2. Health Insurance is similar to Critical Illness insurance that gives you cash to spend for your needs. While HMO pays the hospital bills. You can check the FAQs or previous posts with similar questions. :)

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