Financial Year Sankey Diagram - Gross Income CHF 155k


New member
Inspired by posts of @kevindsingleton and u/L1007. I found this very interesting to make and thought it may be interesting to share. However, if you are sick of these, feel free to scroll on or downvote!

  • 30F
  • Live in a 2.5 room apartment in the city.
  • Work 100% in Pharma. No side gigs.
  • I have a relatively high income (incl. bonus) in a technical position. I have ~4 years of experience and moved to Switzerland after completing a PhD.
  • I manage to make approximately CHF 83,000 of contributions to investments per year, excluding Social Security, some of which are pensions and have restricted access until buying property, leaving Switzerland, or retiring.
  • I have around CHF 50,000 of expenses per year including rent, health insurance, and general living costs.
  • I believe I can aim to FIRE at a reasonable age if I maintain such a cashflow, though I have not invested much thought into this. Without getting too philosophical, I have yet to understand what I exactly want in life.
  • For the Investment (Global ETF), I use brokers IBKR and DeGiro and invest in VT and IWDA. For Private Pension (Pillar 3A), I use FinPension with a global and Swiss mid-cap equity bias plus the 5% crypto option (my only crypto exposure).
  • I expected the Entertainment to be higher, given the added costs of going out and nightlife. I do not consciously limit activities at weekends but at the same time do not frivolously spend.
  • Some of the smaller categories may be inaccurate, as I rushed through categorising the smaller card transactions throughout the year.
If you have any questions, I will try to answer as best as possible!
@alex1996p I can't understand how the pension fund contributions are so high! They only increase at 35 and while I'm not at your income level yet, I'm close and I only have about ? .
@virtualhope Depending on the company / contract, the company (or insured) can pay a higher contribution rate. It looks like she has 6% and the company around 10% contribution rate.
@alex1996p Super solid :)

Would you mind sharing it as a template? Mine would look similar and you would save me lots of work this way 😂🙏🏻

Also what do you think about Pillar 3a when trying to fire?

Im still hesitant to put anything in, as I want to be fire as early as possible (FI, not neccessarily retire fully), so Pillar 3a is actively costing me more time to be fire, due to the money being locked away until 60.
@xefere Good points definitely. I‘ll probably do it starting 25, when I need to start doing regular taxes (taxed at source for now still) and can save on taxes.

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