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I have had some major life changes over the last year. I' ran my own business for around 7 years until it basically collapsed. I then made a difficult decision to move across the country and start from scratch. I still had 2 vehicles, some retirement & medical policies and survival money.

Things nust have not happened in the year I've moved. I have not been able to generate any meaningful business. I started applying for jobs with no success.

I reached a point where I had to voluntarily surrender o e of my vehicles that was bought through my previous business. I do have an outstanding balance that needs to be settled on it. So I'm essentially paying for something I don't have anymore.

I have around 35k in credit card debt that I can't really service.

I have outstanding school fees of around 25k I can't settle.

I am also blacklisted due to non-payment of a rental agreement that was un dispute and still in progress with a lawyer.

Basically I have around R130k in debt. I'm blacklisted. I have no medical aid/ retirement or investment anymore. And I have no way of servicing this because I am simply not making any money. Like literally zero. Anything I do get I use to survive.

I'm moving back to where I came from because I don't have anywhere else for me and my family to live and I'm forced to move in with other family members.

Where do I even start? Basics like a place to stay, fuel, food, cellphone, a vehicle, school fees etc. are massive challenges for me at the moment. I just don't see the way forward. I don't know where to begin, how I'm getting through this. This is taking a massive toll on me. I've tried everything, nothing is working. I feel like I'm just done.
@dafenstein Sorry to hear about your story, it's been wild out there.

With all the business experience you've had running your business, do you think you could try your prospects with opportunities even in industries adjacent to yours? Maybe that will widen the net you can cast, be it with local jobs or online ones even. What is your expertise?

Sorry again!
@helen800 Thabks for the reply. I mainly specialize in Human Resources & Labour Relations. But I've had a few fast food shops, a mobile car wash and I've assisted with too many others to mention.

I'm still trying. I'm just throwing sh*t against the wall, knowing something, somewhere will have to stick. It's just seriously difficult to focus on moving forward with all the other things hanging over me.

Everytime my phone rings I just cringe! Never someone looking to do business, looking for my services, just another company or business looking for money.
@dafenstein Same, today was probably one of the worst days in a long time, i just can’t cope anymore, so tired. I have to pay rent before the 7th, no idea how even, I am 29 and struggling, the future looking real bleak tbh. It’s heavy, I am sorry. Stay strong
@proverbs31spirit I am also fully aware that I'm not the only person in this situation. There are a lot of people that have similar stories or worse. All we can do is to keep on trying. Keep going no matter how hopeless it seems at the moment.

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