
New member
Just giving a Q2 2023 update on my original post.

Please note that I do realise I'm in a high income household, thus this isn't possible for most people my age. I'm hoping to inspire others to persue F.I.R.E. and also share their journeys, whether it's a 5 year or 40 year plan. Okay, let's get to the numbers:

Age: 26

Nett worth at start of year:

2020 - R 100k ; 2021 - R 500k ; 2022 - R 1.2m ; 2023 - R2m

Current nett worth(Household): R2.8m

Current monthly household income(post tax): R150k

Monthly fixed expenses: +-R32k / Monthly savings: +-R105k

Assets: R4.4m (excluding vehicles)

Liabilities: R1.6m


I adjusted our financial plans a bit to increase our savings ratio from 66% to 69% during most months. This had to be done quite carefully in order not to mess too much with our quality of life, but thus far it's looking okay.

Biggest worry currently: High interest rates hitting our home loan accounts. Sluggish economy with weak Rand isn't much of a surprise given what's happening with the global economy. Expecting some recovery to the markets in early 2024, but this can change as policies flip-flop.

Regarding some short, medium and long term future goals: As mentioned previously I'm aiming for a household nett worth of R3.5m by the end of this year. This amount remains unchanged. I have, fortunately, been outperforming my estimates by 10-15%, thus expecting a number closer to R3.8m.

Current aiming to have R10m by 30, hopefully R15m by 35. Inflation adjusted it will be closer to R20m by 35.

I'll try to answer most questions in the comments, so feel free to ask if you have any. I make these posts only to share my journey to F.I.R.E. as this has been a passion of mine for the past 5 years.

Good luck on your F.I.R.E. journeys.
@gracer What is your planned retirement age? Are you and your spouse planning to retire at the same time?

What is your plans post retirement? Lighter work schedule? Travel? Staying in RSA?
@mm17162646 If everything goes according to plan we'll be financially independendant when I'm 35. Plan isn't to really retire as I'm a firm believer that work is needed to keep the brain healthy.

Definitely lighter work schedule and then use the salary from that to travel. Might consider making a career change into finances then as well.
@gracer My wife and I are interns,we have similar saving habits and goals as you do. Also looking to cut down hours in our 30s hopefully. Congrats on the figures, I'm looking forward to following a similar journey.
@kaylen500 Are you going to go into private after specialising? Im just a first year lol but interested in a similar FIRE career path. Not sure government salaries can lead to that.
@gracer Please let me know more about your situation. So I finish my 9 years, then work as an MO while waiting to get a registrar post if I want to specialise?
@valerie60 If you want to specialise, yes. You'll go through a burnout phase during internship, then have no idea what you want to do with your life. This gets better during comm serv and subsequent MO years due to the salary jumps and seniority of your position in the hierarchy.
@valerie60 Depends on your goals. Specializing would let you finish by age 35 as a new junior consultant. Building practice, covering costs associated with it will take you to age 36. Then you officially only start out as a real specialist...

Our CoastFIRE target is R10m at age 30. From there we only need to cover day to day expenses, technically never have to save another cent. Only reason I'm aiming towards the R15m is to have a safety net.

Why go through the hell of specializing if we'll have full control of our time by age 30? We can actually stop our overtime to have more normal working hours and enjoy a bit of life outside of medicine and travel the world with any extra money. All the while not having the stress of being the specialist.

But this varies with personality. Some people do it for the status. I don't give a shit about the status. To each his own. Most healthcare professionals are also extremely bad with their money.

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