@gracer Are you adding to your ETF portfolio at the moment or just to the bond?

The US-dom Vanguard’s are comfortably better for holding periods of >10 years as well due to the lower expense ratios. But be aware of the estate tax issues for US-dom.
@alfiano Just contributing to the bond as it's guaranteed 11% ROI. Will move funds to stocks again when interest rates fall back below 9%. Also quite paranoid that we go into a Turkey inflation/interest rate death spiral :/
@gracer In your position, given the goal to retire in your 30s, you have a low non-retirement equity holding (as a % and absolute).

Putting money in your bond is pretty much the same as investing in bonds (give 0.5% maybe). Is that what you would be doing right now if it were paid off?

Yes bond returns are high, but expected equity returns increase as bond returns do.

Good resource on the above: Investing with leverage

Your other comments about waiting for the rand to hit a certain level amount to market timing, which I’d strongly caution you against. The nature of stock market returns is there are a few big days that you want to be invested for, and missing out on them can significantly depress your returns.

I know it’s tough to see a loss on your rental income less mortgage, and the 11% guaranteed return is appealing, but I’d strongly encourage you to go at least 50-50 on bond repayments vs equities. You’re in the position where you are able to take on additional risk, so (in my opinion) you should do so.

You’re doing awesome either way, so well done.
@alfiano I'll strongly consider this advice. Thank you very much. I've just been lazy getting my wife's IBKR account going, but I should probably just get it done and start buying there.

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