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Hi everybody.
2 years ago I was in a very dark place, I won’t expand further, here’s the post :

Fast forward to current times, this is my situation. I’m 32m, currently residing in KZN. I possess a Bcom Degree with Major’s in Supply Chain Management and Management, I graduated in 2020. I work for a local outdoor retail giant, where I am now on the verge of losing my mental stability, but at the same time I’m keeping my head up and looking for the best way forward.
I currently earn R7500 gross. I’ve been working for the same company for 2.5years now. I started as a part time sales assistant, and eventually got promoted to a stock controller. At this point I feel my growth and progression has plateaued in the company. I’ve applied for 2 senior positions, Shipping Controller at the head office, and Assistant Manager for one of the retailer’s other brands. I’ve been unsuccessful for both, after landing the interviews for both. I do not see much of a future in this company and even if there is I’ll probably be in my 40s and not earning enough to keep my head above the water, perhaps I’d post about this in the relevant Reddit group

This is where i need financial advice. I currently have R18 000 that I would like to invest in. I’m extremely tech savvy, I notice trends and can monitor stocks etc. The problem is I do not know where to start. I wanted to leave my job and reconcile the R18 000 together with R21 000 of my pension fund and see from there. I know I cannot leave my job right now as the chances of finding another are extremely slim, worse if I’m unemployed. I was thinking of leaving work altogether and pursuing a small business in tech/electronics but that sector in this country has become less and less lucrative.

Any advice would be appreciated, if you need any further info from me I will respond. Thanks
@baylorgang1337 Don't touch that money & keep your job.

Use the income from your current job to fund starting your small business. Work on it after hours and weekends. Once your small business is making enough money to cover your expenses then quit your job.
@davidabear This is the best advice. In the meantime, ask your superiors on feedback from your interview. Say you want to know where you need to improve for future opportunities. Then use what they tell you for your current company but also to prepare you for if you land interviews elsewhere. Also, start looking for jobs outside retail. Even entry level positions will potentially earn you more than you're getting now. Your stock management experience will count in your favor across other areas. Keep your chin up.
@baylorgang1337 That is too little money to survive on, apply for roles outside your company. Only leave your job once you have secured a job somewhere else. Meaning you have signed the contract.
@baylorgang1337 I'd suggest first focusing on increasing your career income. Courses, certifications, anything that will improve your value in the job market. R39k total is very little to live off of AND start something up. Your first crisis unexpected expense and you'll be in a ditch. That on top of losing the compounding effect of your pension can cause a huge opportunity cost loss of a lot more than just the 21k in pension currently.

Apply for other jobs/fields. 8.5k a month is very little for someone with a degree. There are secretaries with just matric earning more than double that.

I graduated with a BA in Communications in 2015 and had to take on jobs in other fields to get higher paying jobs. Don't focus on just jobs in your field, focus on basically anything white collar that you even remotely qualify for even with just general knowledge. The degree already helps you stand out.
@baylorgang1337 Apply elsewhere. I will suggest looking at other retail style work (like data analysis). Apply for companies like Data Orbis, NIQ, Trade Intelligence, Ask’D.

Look outside your current company

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