Financial anxiety is real. Convince me to spend my bonus

@kimmyfs similar situation, feels like i can never save enough although i realised i do have a decent amount saved compared to some of my peers or stories i've seen herr 🥲 have been working 2 jobs or more since i graduated and it still doesnt feel enough!!!

the moment im down to 1 job only i feel insecure (monthly salary is quite low imo hahah) cause i keep thinking what if i dun have enough to buy a house!!!

the only step i have to counter it is to treat myself to something once a month + rmb if u spend more money will come more??? the law of detachment or something ahha

another fear is falling sick eg and not being able to spend the money i saved which goes to waste
@sharita3737 The fear of falling sick is real AF. And being insecure with just one job too!! But i think i’m inching closer and closer to burn out. That’s why I have this strong want to spend a bit so I have a hit of dopamine. Younger me worked so so hard.
@kimmyfs tbh just spend it! treat yourself to something you've been wanting for the last year - i realise when i put my needs last it eventually builds up into this ball of negative energy against the world T3T you can be kinder to yourself too

as for burn out,, totally agree jsbsjs i'm 25 but 2 jobs is taking a bit of a toll on me because now i actually want to live a little on weekends and have time for my hobbies but also,, money 🥲
@sharita3737 It’s like dieting and then bingeing. The way I restricted myself these past years have made me feel like i have so much spending to catch up on. I don’t shop, now i dont have good clothes/shoes to wear. I didn’t wanna spend money on this and that, now it’s biting me in the ass. And i never spent money, now I dont know how to do it healthily, and having to do so much feels so overwhelming
@kimmyfs omg yes that analogy sums it up perfectly! spending feels great for the first day then you look back wondering if it was "necessary" to spend 🙃 i hope you get to start small somewhere, with food or cakes! or maybe get your partner to go shopping with you ahshshs
@kimmyfs I feel you, I’m forever wondering why people around me are able to afford things that I can’t and it makes me anxious - there’s no way I can ask them about money matters without weirding them out because personal finance is a topic that’s sensitive for them. It’s why I like reading posts on this subreddit.

Maybe put 1.0 month of your bonus into savings, and spend the 0.6 month? You’ll be about to reward yourself, and if you have a savings goal set for the year the extra 1.0 will be a nice boost towards achieving it.
@kimmyfs Fellow person with financial anxiety here. I personally will try to save 50% of the bonus because it gives me happiness when I save my money than spending it. Some people are happy when they spend on what they like, some people are happy to keep their money in their investment. Both are okay, you decide what is valuable to you.

Once you allocate how much you have for guilt free spend, you don't have to rush. You can list all the wants you have, prioritize it, and wait a month to see if your priority changes. Health is a good thing to spend on so I would encourage that. The rest is up to you.

Just be aware that even though it's from allocated budget, you will still feel pain when you buy things because you are not a spender. This is all psychological, but you just need to breathe and remember you have allocated this budget and have prioritized your wants.
@jodi1028 Saving used to give me happiness but lately it just doesn’t feel the same. It feels a little pointless and I get jealous of friends who can not worry about saving and just enjoy themselves. Must be fun.

I’m taking your advice on not rushing and making a list! I think it helps me visualize better and i can sort based on priority and even cost. Like if i have 1 super expensive thing and 9 cheap things on the list, it’s easier for me to realise oh i can do the 9 cheap things and make me just as happy.
@kimmyfs My personal opinion,dont buy expensive stuff, buy stuff that makes you feel happy and worth it. Just because you want to spend does not mean you need to spend. I still remember during my days of getting salary, i used to spend on buying Roka (that 10 cent chocolate from mamak roti). My parents dont allow me to eat roka, so after each salary i buy a few just to enjoy the moment with it. The key is to enjoy the spending not spend to enjoy.

Another way to view this issue is the money not spent is not yours. You keep money in bank, of course you say its yours but then you die out of nowhere, now the money is not yours anymore. You keep also cannot use. Why not spend some to better some parts of your life.

Another Another way to view this is that you are single and unmarried with less commitment. Once the commitment comes your money goes. You buy a house, you'll see your money flying, you got married, you wont even see your money lol. So yeah before your money goes to somewhere else better it goes for yourself first
@kimmyfs "Save up for retirement or in case something happens (touch wood x3) and you wont have income anymore."

Make it your target...long term target. Set a goal/amount that you want to achieve within a set years.

As for lifestyle n daily spending, make a budget and stick to it. This should be good enough.

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